Matching 2024 UNEXT WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC
ジャンル: スリラー,犯罪 | 上映時間: 0 分 | 公開日: 2024-02-23
サイズ合計: 3.2 GB
ウエディングプランナーとして仕事が充実している一方で、プライベートでは恋愛に奥手な輪花(土屋太鳳)は、同僚から新しい出会いを薦められてマッチングアプリに登録する。ある男性とマッチングが成立し、やり取りが始まる。 新たな出会いに期待をして、初デートに向かう輪花。しかしそこに現れたのはプロフィールとは全くの別人だった…。見た目は平凡だが、どこか異様な雰囲気に違和感を感じる輪花。 時を同じくして、アプリ婚をした利用者を狙った連続殺人事件が起こる。出会った男が捜査線上に浮上するが、事件は意外な方向へと発展し、ついに魔の手は輪花にも迫るのだった…。
This film revolves around the perils of a dating app. A single woman is recommended an app, however the person she matches with is different to his photo. At the same time, a serial killer is stalking his latest victims also using the same app.
Release Date February, 23rd, 2024
Running Time 110 min
Genre Thriller , Feature
Color Color
Screening Format DCP
Screening Format with Subtitles English (DCP)
[ Directed by ]
[ Cast ]
TSUCHIYA Tao ── Rinka
SAKUMA Daisuke (Snow Man) ── NAGAYAMA Tomu
KANEKO Nobuaki ── KAGEYAMA Tsuyoshi
[ Staff ]
UCHIDA Eiji ── Original Story
UCHIDA Eiji ── Screenplay
SHISHIDO Hideki ── Screenplay
KOBAYASHI Yohei ── Music
Aimer ── Theme Song
[ Production Company ]
“Matched” Film Partners
[ Distributor (Japan) ]
[ Story ]
Unique thriller developed as an original project from Midnight Swan director Uchida Eiji.
Rinka (Tsuchiya Tao) is a wedding planner without a love life, and she signs up for a dating app at her colleague’s suggestion. She gets matched up with Tomu (Sakuma Daisuke), but the gloomy guy who shows up is nothing like his profile. His relentless messages frighten Rinka and she reaches out to Kageyama (Kaneko Nobuaki) at the dating app company.
[ Official Site ]
General Filename.......: Matching 2024 UNEXT WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC File Size......: 3.2 GB Duration.......: 01:50:39 Video Codec..........: avc1 Resolution.....: 1920x1080 Bit rate.......: 4020 Kbps Audio Language.......: N/A Channels.......: 2 Format.........: mp4a-40-2 Bit rate.......: 125 Kbps Subtitles Language.......: N/A